One thing is sure – someone – sometime – somewhere – is not going to recognise your talent.
This is usually a polite email, letter or phone call telling you that the job is not going to be given to you.
At this point, human nature kicks in in a big way – you may feel sick in the stomach, angry, depressed, bitter – a whole range of emotions – your self-esteem may nose-dive – you may burst into tears – all your dreams shattered....
This may be very tough for you for a few hours or days – but you have to get up and carry on!
And when you are tempted to say to yourself "If only I'd done or said this or that" - say instead "Next time I am going to..."
As Bear Grylls always says "Never give up!"
As someone perhaps even more famous also said...
“Success is moving from one failure to the next - without loss of enthusiasm!”
Think how many experiments it took to develop electricity, the light bulb, getting the first person on the moon.
Thank goodness so many people persevered through all those failures!
Try to learn from it – what could you honestly have done better? E.G...
So don’t stay down longer than you have to in order to lick the wounds of your bruised ego – get up and get at it again, and again, and again until you get what you need.
Often rejection is a blessing in disguise... as years later you may look back and think “I’m so pleased I never got that job – this one is so much better”.
Believe us – you will!
If you need encouragement - read the poem “Don’t quit”. The last verse speaks powerful truths:
Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And when you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst,
You must not quit.
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